Cloud Services

Entec Systems Cloud Services finger pointing at cloud services dashboard

Is Cloud Migration right for your business? Let Entec Systems analyze your business and determine what cloud services you need.

To be successful in business today, you must be able to access company data practically anytime, anywhere. Not only are employees demanding to work remotely using their personal smartphones, tablets, and computers, but proactively implementing a cross-location, cross-device strategy makes good business sense. The question is how to make the same business applications and data available securely, efficiently, across platforms, and without much pain for your company.

Entec Systems’ Cloud Services make it easy for your staff to use the same desktops, applications, data, and workspaces from many places and devices, enabling them to work efficiently and seamlessly at the office, at home, or on the road.

Developing an effective cloud strategy opens a new world of possibilities, enabling your business to tap into the security, redundancy, and performance of high-end data centers at a fraction of the cost of setting up a similar infrastructure on premises. All while providing a flexible and secure work environment for employees.

Some of our cloud migration services include:

  • Support for Office 365, Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Hosted email
  • Cloud office technology
  • Virtualization
  • Remote desktops
  • Application hosting
  • Sync services
  • Data backup & recovery
  • Spam and virus protection

How can your company leverage the cloud to be more productive and ready if disaster strikes? Contact our Richmond-area IT team about Cloud Services and let us help you determine a strategy that fits your business.

Call us Today at 866.497.2487